If you have ever searched the web for tourist destinations that, in addition to making you fall in love, also nurture you with all the wonders of their history, very surely one of the main cities that appears is Venice, whose fame, heritage, beauty and charm have served as a muse for the creation of many poems.

And you might think that something like this could not be overcome, and yet Venice increases its magic with the arrival of its celebrations. Festivities so famous that they attract countless spectators from all over the world, attracted by the authenticity of their celebrations.

Making an appearance at the Venice Carnival is to enjoy twice, we are talking about a city so charged with a living historical identity, and in addition to that, being able to be the protagonist of the creativity that leads to superimposing that history and adapting it to the modern.

This section will give the ways of how to enjoy from the organization of the trip, and also how to explore and make the most of the parties.

What do you need

  • Mandatory: even if you want to see the Carnival from a balcony, you must wear at least one mask.
  • Be smart about hosting.
  • Waters, here it comes! Be careful if you don’t want to get soaked.
  • Know the rules: Venice, like many cities, has certain rules that must be followed.
  • Prepare a budget “according”.
  • Follow the route or enjoy on your own.
  • And the transportation?!


  1. What stands out most in a Carnival is, in addition to the vibe, its colors, and we appreciate these in the creativity with which they flood the streets of Venice. Carnival celebrations pay tribute to fun, but the citizen identity with which they match is also appreciated.
  2. Between the original and the classic, Venice emphasizes the synergy between the old and the splendor of vibrant colors.
  3. This can be a great indication if you want to make or buy a costume that attracts attention, it is best to opt for customs.
  4. One of the things that characterize the Carnival of Venice is that all the people become active in the festivities; this means that we can find many people from very early wearing their particular clothes.
  5. Before choosing what comfortable and waterproof clothing to wear, it is better to decide which costume to wear, it is important! and should not be for granted.
  6. Visiting any city during a holiday is always a source of headaches when looking for a place to stay, and with Venice it is not exactly about worrying about comfort, it is ensured that each of them provides optimal services, but these they could be busy if the search is not done in a timely manner.
  7. Looking for the perfect place at the last minute in terms of: proximity to places of interest, budget, and services, will be a fruitless task. You must start with the search, and set aside the ideal place from now on.
  8. If you search for “Venice” on the Internet, it is precisely because you have heard about the city that has grown from the waters. The city is founded on a cluster of islands, and many of its “streets” are actually canals through which a multitude of ships for private, tourist, recreational, etc. use transit.
  9. Being a city merged with the sea, gives the peculiarity that, on certain occasions, it is flooded, and although it does not last more than two hours, if it is caught unawares and without the appropriate clothing, it is possible that it remains soaked in its marine waters. Therefore, having good waterproof boots or some other footwear that allows rapid evaporation of it will be the perfect complement. And even if they do not match your costume, they may be that particular point that will make you notice.
  10. If you go to Venice, act like the Venetians! In the city that is the fruit of the waters, there are various regulations that we will break down here if you are looking to participate healthily in the Carnival Celebration.
  11. You should not sit in duly established places, as well as eat or drink drinks outside the areas defined for it.
  12. It is forbidden to throw garbage: cans, bottles, paper or plastic in the streets, this should be a universal rule for all tourists.
  13. In the same way that it is sanctioned to block free pedestrian traffic by staying for a long time in its streets.
  14. If you are a lover of feeding street animals, you should know that this is Venice is legally prohibited, doing so, or leaving organic matter as waste as food in the streets is reason for a substantial fine.
  15. The city of Venice is merely a destination for walkers, it is characteristic of denoting more during its Carnival, so breaking this rule on foot, by bicycle or motorcycle, will be grounds for an infraction.
  16. Abide by these rules to the letter will determine a glorious stay from which to take advantage and experiences for a lifetime.
  17. The City of Venice is a dream for many. But it is a dream that, if it comes true, it will bring us a few expenses, Venice as a destination, and more so during its Carnival festivities, it is an expensive city. Preparing an adequate budget, as well as using the saving strategies that are known, will be very useful.
  18. There are also cards and discount modes that can be used to make the fun even better.
  19. The most reasonable should always be treated, and act according to what is best for the pocket.
  20. Perhaps while following the multitude of people, dancers and singers through the squares and streets, it is possible that you enter an alley and when you want to find your way back, you are already lost. It is easy to get lost in the city of gondolas, but doing so should not present a major obstacle, even if you have lost your way and do not have a means of locating at hand, you can enjoy going through the aisles and discovering new places.
  21. But if you know that you have the peculiarity of being careless and getting lost, you can purchase a map of the city beforehand, as well as a guide to the routes along which the people who will give life to the Carnival will pass.
  22. Although it may also happen that while in Venice you don’t know what to do, for this you have the option of paying for the guide service.
  23. Moving around Venice is a catalog of options, on the one hand we can find the famous gondolas, which depending on the service have one or another price, there are also all kinds of public boats with the same purpose, as well as “taxis” and gondolas of private nature that provide a tourist mission.
  24. But to get around its streets it is best to do it on foot. You have the option of taking the initiative and making the visited places memorable.


  • Venice during these dates has low temperatures, wear a good coat, a Carnival coat.
  • Not being afraid to go out at night or very early in the morning, thus more hours of happiness.
  • You can have discounts for age; do not forget to mention it.
  • You have to enjoy, the city is the cradle of an ancient art and culture, combining this with the Carnival Party, Venice will become a beautiful remembrance.


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