As time goes by, technology has evolved rapidly. An electronic device can go out of style in just a couple of weeks. It is actually very difficult to keep up with technology as it advances by leaps and bounds.

When we were children, science fiction led us to imagine what the world of the future would be like. We imagined that, by the year 2000, we would have flying cars, that we would live on other planets, that we would discover the cure for many diseases that we could teleport, that we would be surrounded by robots, among many other things.

However, although 20 years have passed, we see with some disappointment that all our expectations have not been met. But the truth is that many miracles have happened thanks to technology, such as being able to communicate with our family and friends by video call. Although they are far away, we can see them and interact with them.

On the other hand, thanks to technology, we can carry out countless tasks that were previously complex or that took us a long time to do, which has made our lives much more comfortable and simple. Despite this, looking to the future, we see that we still have a long way to go. There are many things to improve and others to invent.

Given that all human beings have been endowed with a very prolific mind, have you ever wondered what the houses of the future will be like? Have you visualized yourself living in one of them? How would you like them to be? Can our expectations come true?

In this article we will be sharing with you the vision that many experts have about the houses of the future. In this way, you will be able to have a clearer and more realistic idea of ​​the living conditions that people will have in the coming years. Let’s see it right now.

Instructions for will be the houses of the future

There are many theories about what the houses of the future will look like. These are full of really very visionary ideas. For example, some expect to live in houses that are controlled by a computer with robots that carry out daily and heavier household tasks.

The purpose of the homes of the future is that they are capable of providing the greatest well-being with the least possible consumption. It is expected that, for its construction, materials that are not polluting and that offer efficiency in energy matters, as well as in thermal and acoustic insulation, will be used.

Although it is true that there are more and more ecological and sustainable homes, it is expected that, in the future, the transformation will become total, thanks to the intervention of the so-called artificial intelligence.

The role of home automation in the future

Home automation has been defined as the set of technologies that have been applied to the control and intelligent automation of houses. This tool has been the response to the new needs of today’s society. In addition, it facilitates the design of houses, by making them more personal and multifunctional. In view of this, the homes of the future have home automation as a common element.

Previously, home automation was only related to luxury and comfort. However, the truth is that some of its applications are practically imperceptible, but necessary. Such is the case of automatic blinds.

These shutters open and close with the help of a switch. Since they work with the application of a uniform force, it prevents them from breaking, something that is very common in the case of more traditional blinds. However, today, it is also possible to open them remotely, thanks to a remote control.

In relation to this, technology has also evolved radically. Today it is possible to find light bulbs that are capable of adapting to the environment and even adjust to the sound of music.

These are just a few examples of the smart solutions that many homes already have, no matter what their size. This is due to the fact that they are becoming more economically accessible and the role played by interconnectivity.

With a simple installation and the right elements, almost any type of home could become a smart home.

Advantages of home automation

While it is true that home automation provides convenience and comfort, it also has other much more practical benefits. For example:

  1. Contributes to energy saving. It makes it possible to intelligently manage important elements of every home, such as lighting, air conditioning, and the use of hot water and that of household appliances. In this way, it is possible to take better advantage of the resources we have, as well as keep our consumption monitored, in order to adopt better habits, more efficient ones and reduce our energy bills.
  2. Generates greater accessibility. Home automation allows the management of the elements that are in the home. For example, the heating system for people with some type of disability. In this way, it is now possible that it adapts to your needs and that tableware is streamlined.
  3. Increase home security levels. Since there are different elements that are integrated into home automation, such as automatic closures, dynamic facades, personal alarms, fire and flood sensors, etc. Now it is possible to have much safer homes, even when we are away from them.
  4. It helps create spaces that are multifunctional. Something that we are clear about is that the houses of the future must have this characteristic, that is, multifunctionality. Home automation, again, plays an important role in this particular, by improving communication systems, increasing comfort, promoting the enjoyment of our free time and even working from the comfort of our home.

What do you need to be the houses of the future?

The houses of the future will also be conditioned by the materials with which they will be made, which will be much more sustainable, but also more resistant.

It is estimated that, at present, the manufacture of cement releases more than 80% of the CO2 emissions in the area of ​​the industry. This means that one of its main challenges is the manufacture of cement that has the property of repairing its own fissures.

It is also expected to have the ability to change color, according to temperature, by reducing the temperature both on the facades and inside. In fact, some experts are studying the possibility of creating cement that is fluorescent, which has the ability to absorb energy.

The construction industry also advocates the use of ecological materials, for the manufacture of the houses of the future, such as wood. Some companies are committed to the use of wood that is semi-transparent, in order to replace glass.

This type of wood is nothing more than an alternative material to the use of plastic, glass and cement, which would make it possible to improve the energy efficiency of homes. This material has elasticity, as well as a very high conduction capacity, which makes it possible to design high-performance sensors.

Another advantage it has is that it is a light material and makes it possible to provide much more light to the house. All these characteristics make semi-transparent wood the construction material par excellence for the future.

On the other hand, the 3D printing industry has reached the construction sector, since, in addition to being faster to execute, the construction elements that are manufactured with this technology generate less CO2 emissions.

On the other hand, it also offers almost infinite creative freedom. It offers all the possibilities in shapes, colors and, best of all, in the highest quality. In fact, thanks to this technology, it will be possible to integrate the client’s personal tastes into the design of their homes, without these generating large additional costs.

Because this has been a real success, efforts are being focused on the invention of so-called biomaterials, which can make this technology as sustainable as possible. In other words, it is hoped that the houses of the future can contribute to the conservation of the environment.

Now, what else should you know about this fascinating topic of futuristic vision? We’ll be looking at it right now.

Tips for the houses of the future

Given that the world’s population has concentrated in large cities, some of them have chosen to implement a vertical system, while others prefer horizontal expansion. However, no matter which is the case, both will present future problems in terms of space distribution.

Therefore, some contemplate the possibility of living on the sea. These are the so-called floating houses of the future, made with materials such as bamboo and cork, which allow the creation of a housing environment that is 100% sustainable, while solving habitability problems.

Currently it is already possible to find floating houses. However, there are many challenges that await them in the future. For example, expanding its size, dealing with tidal issues, etc. Therefore, it will be necessary to devise technologies that allow buildings to rise or fall according to sea level.

Although it is true that there are many theories on the subject of the homes of tomorrow, what we are clear about is that both home automation and sustainability will play a very important role, given that many experts are betting on them.

And you, what do you think of the idea of ​​living in a house with these characteristics? Do you find it attractive or do you have any ideas to contribute? What would you do to make the houses of the future better and economically more accessible to everyone?


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