Boric acid is a chemical compound widely used today, as it has many indications as a household product. And it is that boric acid is used as an antiseptic for minor injuries, as an insecticide, as a flame retardant and as a precursor to other chemical compounds. Thus, it is also used as a buffering agent to regulate the ph. In our case, today we want to focus on its properties as an insecticide since it is ideal for controlling insects such as cockroaches or termites and many other insects that sometimes sneak into parts of our home. In this case, boric acid acts as a stomach poison for these insects and affects their metabolism.

Having insects at home is very annoying and uncomfortable, and once they appear, they reproduce very quickly thanks to the warm climate of homes and closed places. For all these reasons, a simple, easy and economical way to have an insecticide is with boric acid. In addition, you have no need to use harsh chemicals that pollute both the environment and our health. Well, boric acid is a good option to use in our home and can be used safely to kill cockroaches, ants and any other insect that appears to you. In this way, today at we want to explain how to prepare an insecticide with Boric Acid at home with a few simple steps and in a very economical way.

Instructions to prepare an insecticide with Boric Acid

  1. First of all, you need to acquire boric acid. You can buy this product in supermarkets or pharmacies and they usually sell it in containers of about 500 grams or 1 kilogram. Keep in mind that although boric acid is antiseptic and indicated to heal minor wounds, you should not put the one you buy on your skin to use as an insecticide, since this modality is not indicated for it.
  2. Now, once you have bought the boric acid, you must mix 1 tablespoon of it with 2 tablespoons of sugar and a tablespoon of milk. When you have all this mixed in a container, you must stir the three things so that there is a homogeneous mixture; the result will be a paste.
  3. Next, you must put this pasty mixture in bottle caps or caps – you can use one-liter soda caps or milk bottle caps that are usually larger. In this case, you have to fill the corks halfway with the mixture.
  4. When you have several plugs prepared, you can distribute all of them around the areas of the house where you suspect there are insects that you want to eliminate. We recommend that you resort to putting them under the kitchen appliances, the tables or, under the cabinets.
  5. You must repeat this for at least three or four weeks, recharging the plugs every 24 hours. Keep in mind that the vast majority of insects in your home will eat the mixture as they love sweets. In addition, you will get them to take it to their nest and share it with the other insects, thus eliminating all the ones you have at home.
  6. On the other hand, we explain another way to prepare this insecticide with boric acid so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences. In this case, you must prepare 2 tablespoons of boric acid and dilute it in 100 milliliters of water. Next, wet a piece of bread with this mixture and proceed to place it in the places you suspect there may be insects.
  7. By repeating this process for three or four weeks, you will eliminate the nest of insects that you have in your home.

What do you need to prepare an insecticide with Boric Acid?

  •  Boric Acid -available in supermarkets, garden stores or pharmacies-.
  • Milk.
  •  Sugar.
  • Caps -soda or milk-.
  • Bread -optional-.
  • Water -optional-.
  • Patience and observation.

Tips for preparing an insecticide with Boric Acid

  • The indicated amount will be sufficient in case of having cockroaches or some larger insect. On the contrary, if you have ants you can fill the plugs with less quantity, since it will be enough to eliminate them.
  • In case it does not work and the insects increase, you may have to call a company dedicated specifically to the elimination of pests.


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