Who does not like to travel? You can travel for tourism, to visit family and even for work reasons. There are always reasons to travel. However, there is nothing more tedious than packing. Folding the clothes for the suitcase sometimes becomes a real odyssey, especially when we need the clothes not to wrinkle too much.

Regularly, when you go on a trip, you carry hand luggage or a normal suitcase. The way we have to pack the suitcase is to fold the clothes in a traditional way and place them inside. However, when you fill the suitcase to the brim (because you almost always want to carry a lot of things, even if you don’t need it); at the moment of closing it, all the folds of our clothes are wrinkled.

It turns out that when you arrive at the site, and you want to change your clothes, you find that your clothes have a lot of creases due to the pressure that was in your suitcase. If you didn’t take an iron, poor you; you will have to walk with wrinkled clothes all day.

How to prevent your clothes from wrinkling in your suitcase? Very simple, avoiding the maximum pressure exerted within it. In addition, there are several ways to fold clothes and some tricks to organize the other things that you carry in your travel bag; which we will explain here, and they will surely surprise you.

Instructions for we can fold clothes for the suitcase

To avoid pressure on your clothes, which produces those horrible folds in the clothes you take out of your suitcase, the important thing is to avoid placing them in the traditional way. So you can store more clothes in your suitcase and avoid wrinkling your clothes, follow these steps:

Single-roll method for carry-on baggage

  1. The first step is to separate the clothes that you have previously chosen for your trip in different piles. Make the piles on your bed or on a large table, but have all the piles in view at the same time.
  2. Piles should be sorted by type of garment. For example, jackets, pants (shorts, separate from long pants), t-shirts, socks, dresses, and underwear.
  3. It is advisable to start with the largest and thickest garments. Therefore, it is better to start with the jackets.
  4. The larger garments will serve as protectors for the more sensitive garments. For example, lay out the largest jacket you have on a flat surface (it can be the bed, a table or the floor); then, spread over it a very fine fabric shirt.
  5. Be careful, the shirt will be placed on the jacket, but in the opposite direction of this; that is, neck to neck. In this way, you will have to overlap garment by garment, alternating up and down, until you finish with the jackets, shirts and t-shirts.
  6. Once you have finished placing the upper garments (shirts, t-shirts, jackets), place the long pants on the sleeves, well extended. Leaving the bottom of the pants with the sleeves and on the chest of the shirts the part of the waistbands of the pants.
  7. Remember to put on the long pants first and then the shorts.
  8. Finally, in the whole center, place the clothes that you do not care much about wrinkling. For example, socks and underwear, since what is close to the core is what tends to wrinkle more.
  9. With one of the shirts, make a kind of sack for the core of socks and underwear.
  10. Then, around this core, you must alternately place each of the garments. Of course, make sure to stretch the fabrics well so that there are no wrinkles.
  11. With this technique, you will avoid folds because the garments are stretched. However, you have to be very careful when stretching long sleeves and pants, because if you don’t do it right, they will still wrinkle.
  12. You will see that no matter how much pressure is put on your suitcase or handbag to pass it off as cabin luggage, you will notice that your clothes will not wrinkle too much.

Individual garment rolling method

The above method is very effective for short trips where you won’t need to access clothing along the way. However, if your trip is long, and you will need access to clothes to change on the way, or you are going to rest a couple of nights in a hotel and need some clothes, the individual rolling method is the most effective.

In the same way, traditional folding is avoided and what is sought is to make a kind of burrito with each garment, and then place the garments according to the space you have in your suitcase. To learn how to make burritos with your clothes, follow these steps:

  1. Take the example of t-shirts. Take a t-shirt and lay it flat on a flat surface. You can superimpose two or three shirts; but to quickly visually locate garments, it is best to fold them individually.
  2. Take the bottom of the shirt and hem it in slightly.
  3. Then, fold out the sides, framing the corners well. Make sure the sleeves don’t gather too much in the middle.
  4. At this point, you will notice that you will be left with a rectangle. What you have to do now is roll from the neck to the bottom.
  5. Remember to apply pressure. Do not be afraid to roll up, it is necessary that the cylinder is firm to avoid wrinkles as much as possible.
  6. When you have the cylinder, you will notice the reverse of the hem that you had made at the beginning on the shirt. All you have to do is turn it over and form a small block that prevents the shirt from unrolling and you’re done.

Marie Kondo Method

This folding method is not only for suitcases, it is rather used to vertically display all the garments in a drawer ; however, it can be useful when you will carry clothes for two people in the same suitcase and you need to identify the clothes well without cluttering them.

  1. To fold shirts, jackets or blouses. Stretch the garment on a flat surface.
  2. Fold the sides framing the corners well, making a rectangle as exact as possible
  3. Then, carefully fold the garment without rolling it. The idea is that the folds make the garment stand firm vertically and to be able to visualize all the garments at the same time.

How to fold underwear?

  1. For the codpieces and underpants, you simply have to insert the dice towards the center and make a kind of little package, folding the bottom up.
  2. To better organize them in the suitcase, you can place them inside a transparent toiletry bag.
  3. The socks, it is better that you place them one inside the other, making a small cylinder and place them inside the shoes or slippers that you will put in your suitcase. You will save a lot of space with this trick.

How to fold jeans and pants?

  1. Stretch the pants by placing one boot on top of another.
  2. Then, make a small fold at the crotch curve to make the garment a single rectangle.
  3. Next, fold the boot towards the center and then the side of the waistband, to form a sort of little bundle that stands vertically; making a kind of semi-coil.

What do you need so we can fold clothes for the suitcase?

  •  A suitcase. Remember that the size of this depends on the amount of clothes and things that you are going to take or need on your trip.
  •  Clothes. Remember that you need to select clothes according to their functionality; that is, if you go to the beach, why would you wear a coat? However, you cannot forget a couple of towels.
  •  A clean and wide surface to fold and select clothes. Remember that if, due to the rush, you do not have all the garments that you previously selected on the visa, you can forget some, and you will regret it later when you need it.
  •  Plastic bags. It is always important to carry a couple of bags in your suitcase in case you need to store dirty or wet clothes without contaminating the rest of the clothes.
  •  Clean kit. Remember that this cannot be missing in any suitcase, and you should not place it wrapped in clothes because you will need to have it on hand.
  •  What should the grooming kit contain? A toothbrush, 100 ml toothpaste, small containers with shampoo, conditioner, antibacterial gel, liquid hand soap, dental floss, razors, tissues and deodorant. Remember that they have to have the traveling size, indicated so as not to take up too much space. All in a small, well-closed toiletry bag, so that if there is a spill, it does not stain your clothes.
  •  Mini medicine cabinet. It is very important not to forget to carry a small bag with medications such as anti-allergy, pills for dizziness, headache and stomach pain, in case the change of climate or diet affects your health. Band-Aids never hurt; do not forget your sunscreen and some protector against mosquitoes, if you will travel to an area where they are.
  •  Documentation. It will seem obvious to you, but it has happened too many that they pack the perfect suitcase and when they arrive at the airport or train station it turns out that they have left their documentation.
  •  To avoid these oversights, place your documentation inside the suitcase from the beginning. To protect your documents, place them wrapped in a transparent plastic bag in an accessible place in the suitcase. Remember that it is preferable to carry your cards and ID with you, in case you lose your suitcase.

Tips for we can fold clothes for the suitcase

  1. The first thing you have to do so that nothing is missing in your suitcase is to make a list of all the things and clothing that you think you will need.
  2. In order for you to gain space, we recommend using suitcases that have two compartments. These are easier to organize.
  3. Remember, the rolling method is best for sweater garments. The Marie Kondo method is recommended for pants and long garments.
  4. You can put the jackets that bulge the most in a plastic bag to vacuum pack them and save space.
  5. Shoes and sneakers should go in individual bags so they don’t dirty clothes. And to gain even more space, you can place your socks inside your sneakers and shoes.
  6. So that the belts do not take up too much space, do not roll them up; better stretch them around the suitcase.
  7. Don’t forget the makeup. So that everything is not scattered around, place it in a well-organized vanity case and in an accessible place. Generally, makeup goes in hand luggage.
  8. A great trick to avoid wrinkles in your dresses is to wrap them in tissue paper, making as few hems as possible.
  9. To compactly fold thongs, you’ll need to do a mix of methods. Stretch the thong and roll it around the waistband a few times. Then, place the sides inwards; go over the crotch and then start unfolding the folds as we explained with the large garments in the individual rolled method.
  10. You will see how rolling the thong inside this hem will give you a very cute little package that will save you a lot of space in your suitcase.


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