Our house is an important place, obviously we live there. And that is the only reason why you have to keep it in good condition. It’s not just ordering things. And take care of appliances and objects. You also have to clean. There has to be one day in every month when you spend the whole day just cleaning the house. The rest you can do without too much effort. Since you will only do a somewhat simple cleaning. Whether it’s sweeping the places in the house where you’ve been most often. And pass a clean cloth over the devices or objects that have carried dust.

In addition, it is also important to wash the bathroom. It is the most important place in your whole house. Since that’s where people go to relieve themselves. And it needs to be clean as that is where your body is going to be exposed. And it is not known if there is a bacterium on the wall and you accidentally touch it with your body. Causing you to gain a severe infection or disease. And nobody wants to have one of those things. So in this article you are going to know about how to clean a bathroom

Steps to clean the bathroom

  • Have things ready: As well as brushes soap and water at hand. So as not to take any longer to look for them.
  • Remove things: Normally people put something in the bathrooms. And you have to remove them as it will get in the way when cleaning the bathroom as such. So take out the rugs, the cloths. The objects, everything. In order to have space and none of the lime scale bothers to clean the bathroom completely.
  • Dusting: If your bathroom is too dusty, it’s best to sweep or dust it first. Since when you start using the water, it will be somewhat difficult to remove it. You should also remove it, even if it has a little dust. You can use a broom, or a vacuum cleaner. As is your comfort.
  • Clean the floor and walls: If your floor or floor has adhered dirt. Which you couldn’t remove when you passed a broom. You can pass a brush on all sides to remove them. You can also leave the floor for last.
  • Sink. With a metallic sponge. Or even with the same brush. You are cleaning every part of the sink.
  • The glasses: Here you must be somewhat careful. Since you should not use a sponge or brush to clean it. Since obviously it will have several scratches. So what is recommended is a cloth, rag or special paper to clean the glass and thus do not scratch.
  • The shower: This place, along with the toilet. They are the ones that contain the most dirt and bacteria. Since when bathing, all the dirt remains on the floor. Or it is far from the drain and it accumulates.

More steps

  • Toilet: As I said, the toilet and the shower. They are the easiest to get dirty. Since they are the most used daily. Especially the toilet. Obviously you will have to clean the outside of the toilet. To then use a toilet brush and go cleaning the interior. Before that you put the cleaning products. And you start to clean it. But don’t remove it yet, wait until the products start to take effect and can kill the bacteria. So that it can be cleaner and smell good.
  • Wait for it to dry: You can wait several minutes until the bathroom is almost dry in order to replace the objects, the carpet and cloths. And with the floor you can do the same, or you can pass a mop so that it is dry as quickly as possible. While you’re putting things back in the bathroom, you can now lower the lever to the toilet so you can see the difference from how clean it was before you cleaned the bathroom. You can also spray air freshener in case you want your clean bathroom to smell like a different scent. That depends on your preference. But it should not be too much so that the smell does not concentrate and starts to make you dizzy or that the bathroom is overloaded with aromatize.


Keeping a bathroom clean is a simple thing. At first when you are going to wash it, it has to be a deep cleaning. But then it will be so easy. Since you started to get the hang of it and you will be able to do it in less time compared to the first time you started cleaning your bathroom. It’s just a matter of time. As. You keep an eye on how many days it takes for the bathroom to start getting dirty. It is like to know which date of each month you will have to clean it


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