It is common for us to find tartar in bathrooms. This happens thanks to the accumulation of various elements such as bicarbonate, calcium and magnesium carbonate. You can clean it too well and with the best chemicals or bathroom cleaning products. But still, they will appear. They may come back but in small numbers. But from there more are formed. It’s like dirt, the longer you leave it there, it will get bigger and bigger and you may have a hard time cleaning it. Since it will become more and more resistant. And it will seem as if that dirt is part of the floor. Or in this case the ceramic of the toilet.

The good thing is that if you clean it weekly. It will be increasingly difficult for tartar to reappear. And it will also be easier to remove. Well, that also depends on how much use is given to the bathroom. And maybe you wonder. What are the best ways to clean tartar from your toilet? Well don’t worry. Since, as the title says, obviously. You will know about the different ways to remove tartar from your toilet.

Ways to clean the toilet

  • Sodium bicarbonate with hydrogen peroxide: Obviously you will need, like 125ml of hydrogen peroxide. You pour it into a cup. And then you add like four teaspoons of baking soda. From there, you are going to mix it until it forms like a paste. And from that same you put it in the place where the tartar is. And with the help of the sponge, you rub it hard so that it goes away little by little. Then you let it sit for about 20 minutes, rinse it and that’s it.
  • Vinegar with lemon: Believe it or not, vinegar and lemon. They are the best natural disinfectants. And to prepare it, all you have to do is have half a cup of vinegar. And then mix it with lemon juice. And before putting the mixture in the toilet, you will first need to have some gloves on, so as not to damage the skin of your hands. And put the mixture on the tartar so that with the sponge you try to remove it. The good thing about this mixture is that it will break down the tartar. And as you scrub it, it will become more effective. Of course, even if you have removed the tartar from your bathroom, it may still have a slightly ugly smell. But nothing but a few good-smelling bathroom cleaning products will make a difference.
  • Soda: It may seem silly that a soda helps remove tartar from a toilet. Well, impressively, you can. You apply it to the tartar, wait about 30 minutes, and rub it in with a brush. If you want it to work better, you can mix it with lemon and/or baking soda.

Do not think that these are the only ways, and then you will see other options

Other options

  • Pumice stone: This stone is famous for its incredible ability to remove dead skin from your skin. Can you also remove scale from the toilet? Of course. You just need to submerge the stone in hot water. And then scrub it through all the tartar. As it is effective in removing dead skin from your skin. You can also do the same when it comes to removing tartar.
  • Ammonia: This is the most powerful of this and the previous list. And the only thing you will need is to have a bucket with water up to half (If the amount of tartar is little, you can do it in a cup). And then you add a small amount of ammonia to it. You wait a moment until it dissolves with the water. And then you grab a brush. And you’re rubbing it all over the area. And you will notice that you do not need too much effort when removing it. Since ammonia does all the work. But yes. Before doing this. You must wear a mask and gloves. Since it has a very penetrating smell and with contact, it may give you intoxication.


The good thing about these options when it comes to removing tartar from your toilet. It is that they do not harm the toilet. So you can do it without worrying about chemicals messing with your bathroom. With having a clean bathroom, it makes a good difference, and when it comes to doing your business. You won’t feel grossed out when you walk into your own bathroom, and see that it’s dirty or see that there’s tartar in your toilet. Since thanks to this article, you were able to know about how to clean the tartar in your bathroom toilet.


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