Not all people have a garage at home. Since there are many people who live in apartments, and although the buildings come with a large garage. You still have a responsibility to clean it up. And yes, we must wash our garage frequently. Since it is like a part of our house that we have to take care of. In addition to that it can harm your car a little, because the more dirt it has. The frequency of the bugs will increase to the point where you will find mice in your garage. In addition to the chemicals in your car.

And by that I mean oil and maybe gasoline. And you will notice that a stain appears if you leave a quantity of one of these 2 liquids on the floor. Well, the longer you spend there and the bigger the stain becomes. The garage is going to end up with a smell that no one is going to like. And we all like to enter a room or part of our house that smells good. Well don’t worry, because in this article you will know how to clean the garage of your house.

What should you do when cleaning?

You must take into account how dirty your garage is. How can you notice this? It’s simple, if you have a vehicle, which you do maintenance and any type of repair in your garage. Unfortunately it may spill some oil or gasoline. And as I said before, even if you are a little quick to clean it or be cautious. The floor is going to get a little stained. And it is not only that. And it is that also, if you have not swept the floor. Grease and gasoline can mix and it will be increasingly difficult for you to clean it.

Also, if you use your garage to store things from the house. It is advisable to remove them from the place so that it is easier to clean it. Check if it is still in perfect condition to continue saving it. Or maybe something you found in those boxes was the item you’ve been looking for or needed. Or also, you find an object that you no longer find its use. Which would be a good idea to separate them in another box to sell or donate? Who knows if someone needs that item more than you?

How to clean

Like I said, emptying your garage is too important. Since you can have more space to completely clean your garage.

After this step, several people start with the ground. And it is not highly recommended to do so, since when cleaning the walls. The dust from the ground falls to the ground. So it doesn’t help much to do that. Also, it is good to sanitize the walls and the areas where you frequent the most in the garage. And that dirt can be impregnated in the garage.

Once you have cleaned the walls and ceiling. That’s when we’ll be done with the floor. If your garage floor has those stains. Do not think that one day they will be able to be easily removed. If these stains have time, it is preferable to clean the floor weekly or twice a week. And monthly there is going to be a deep cleaning to the garage. Also, with soap and water they are not going to be removed that easily. Since several products are required of which they were made to fight with oil and gasoline.

Adding something, plus that kind of stains make the garage smell a little bad over time. It can also impair the strength of the soil. Going to the extreme that it can harm the plumbing system of your home. And although that will happen after a lot of time. But even so, we must not relax and not deal with those stains.

Also, if there is any installation in the garage. First you must investigate how it should be cleaned well, and at the same time it remains in good condition and is not damaged.


As I said before. It is good to clean the garage monthly. But it must be a deep cleaning. Since this way you can remove all the dirt that has been stuck during the wait for the next month. But still. It is good to sweep the floor frequently to remove some of the dust that is in the garage. To make the monthly cleaning a little easier. In addition to that it will not be able to stay stuck to the ground.


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