A house will never be complete if it has furniture, decorations, rooms that are destined for them to have their things. In a simpler way, that you have a kitchen, living room, sleeping room, bathroom, laundry room. Etc. You can add more things but that already depends on the number of rooms you have and how big your house is. Because if you live in an apartment, don’t think big about wanting to expand it. Since these have just and enough.

The key so that your house is not too basic is the furniture. Being chairs, furniture sofas for one person, lamps, tables, tables with drawers and etc. They are vital to give your home some personality. In addition to the fact that there are several types of furniture, changing its appearance, color or material from which it has been manufactured.

Nobody should choose what type of furniture you need to buy to place it in your home. Since in the end you are the person who wants furniture, you are the person who will have it in his home and will be using it.

In addition, people have different tastes, so the person who wants to buy furniture for their home is the same person who must see if they like the type of furniture in order to buy their series.

Do I have to buy the complete series?

Obviously you must. Imagine it was clothes, and you decide to buy different types of clothes and accessories, and when you want to go out to a party, instead of all the clothes matching each other. You have a fashion mess on you. Apart from the fact that the people at that party will see you as a strange person and without any trace of fashion on your body.

Leaving that example, now imagine how your home will look if you buy furniture from different series, and when placing it in your home, you will see how it will look too strange. I’m not saying you should strictly follow the series for your entire household. I am not referring to that, but rather that one room must follow a series and the other you have to choose another series. In order to give a complete variety to every corner of your home. If you want you can follow a single series for your entire home. There are several people who do that at home and it looks great. But that would be your choice.

Something interesting that you can do if you have different series of furniture in your home. It is that if you are already bored of seeing the same series in one room, you can dedicate yourself to exchanging a series of furniture from another room to which you want to change. Something that those who follow a single series cannot because it will look the same anyway and without any novel changes to your home. Unless the furniture is different

That is why when choosing furniture it is a complicated task, because you must visualize how it will look in your home and if it fits what you are looking for.

Is it good to have a lot of furniture?

Actually, it depends, if your friends or family do not frequent your home much, then it is not necessary to buy too many, because at the end of the day who is going to use them… Being day and night without being used because maybe you spend time at work, in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room and bedroom. While in the room it is very rare that you are there.

If it is the opposite, then the amount of furniture to buy should be a little higher. Especially the sofas, chairs and some tables.

This can also vary depending on the size of your house, not all houses can be the same size unless it is within a residence. Although in the end it will still be bigger than an apartment.

If you’re living in an apartment, it’s obviously not good to have a lot, as they are known to be small. And filling it with a lot of furniture is not necessary, at most some sofas in the room, and several chairs. Also it would be difficult for there to be many people in an apartment even if it was a party. Since it is better to have the party somewhere else than in a small place.

Even if your house is big, it does not mean that you should fill it with furniture, especially when you have to clean it since they can collect dust, crumbs from any food if you ate on the furniture, and cobwebs.


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