The bathroom must be taken care of very well; this is the area where we go to relieve ourselves, where we will brush our teeth and face. And of course, we will take a shower, all this exposes us to bacteria, something that we do not have to worry about if we keep our bathroom clean, clearly after cleaning it, it should be kept as clean as possible until the day comes when you have time to spend washing this area of ​​the house.

For this you do not have to leave your waste and urine stored in the toilet, clean the walls of the shower as well as the floor. Remove hair from our pipes, both from the sink and from the shower. If we do this, we will be able to notice that our toilet continues to maintain its characteristic white color just as you bought it, the bathroom will not have a smell of pipes, the walls and floor of the shower will not look dirty and you will not find hair around.

To clean it may be easy, but now comes the maintenance, and that’s when bath products come in.

Bathroom floor cleaner

For you to understand better, products like Don Limpid, this product has been on the market for a long time, and has known how to continue keeping its recurring customers satisfied, its color, texture, aroma and effectiveness when it comes to doing its job being something incredible for is amazed at how this product worked.

Mr. Clean is considered a classic, being almost inevitable in the bathrooms of many people. If you are not interested in this product or want to look for other alternatives, you are welcome, but at the end of the day, Mr. Clean is a good recommendation, and it is not a bad idea to try this product in your bathroom.

Bathroom disinfectant

Another important product, since our body is going to be exposed when we are inside the bathroom and we are going to use it, it is necessary to have a disinfectant ready to be used. These kill 99% of bacteria, disinfecting your bathroom so that you can be safe and do not contract a disease or infection in your private areas, since these are the most exposed when we use a bathroom.

Remember to purchase disinfectant that does not contain bleach, in addition to having good ratings so you can buy with confidence. In addition to the fact that the same product does not produce mold and lime when you use it.

When it should be used, it is simple, before or after you use the bathroom, it is preferable that you do it after using the bathroom, so the product can act well and when you want to relieve yourself, the product has already acted completely. Currently, disinfectants have different aromas, thus leaving your bathroom, in addition to being free of almost all bacteria, also with a refreshing and incredible aroma. Being able to surprise your guests and leave them in love with your bathroom.

Active disks

Being the famous product of this category, “Duck” It is a dispenser which must be placed on one side inside the toilet, we squeeze it and depending on the pressure, the disc may come out thicker lasting longer, or a thin disc for that save this product and money so you don’t buy it as often.

These gel pads help your toilet stay clean with every flush you make, as well as keep it smelling fresh. Other equally relevant things would be that it prevents the appearance of lime scale, fights against germs and can eliminate stains from which bacteria are generated.

It also has its other type of product, first there is the gel and the other would be a plastic hanger, this is a good option, the bad thing is that this hanger accumulates germs over time. So gel pads are better and by a huge difference. But if you want to save money, then the hanger is for you, although you already know that you must be careful so that germs do not accumulate.


This option is the most economical; this is to eradicate bad odors in the pipes of your bathroom once and for all. You will only use it when you feel a strange smell coming from your shower, toilet or sink. Although the toilet is the most frequent when chlorine is used, and you should do it after using the bathroom so that the chlorine can act like this, and do not use too much chlorine, a little is more than enough.


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