The bathrooms, these are important and should never be missing in any home. Since these help the person to relieve themselves calmly and know why no other person except you has used that bathroom. Since it is true, we are in a time when it is important to take care of our health. And when we go to public places, many times those who own the place must keep the facilities clean so that customers do not feel disgusted by how the place looks when it comes to cleanliness. And even more so when it comes to food establishments.

They also serve as a way for you to relax after a long day of hard work. Nothing is better than coming home and taking a shower in your own bathroom, and you will feel how you relax while the water falls on your body. That is why the tubs are more famous, since you can relax better.

Believe it or not, the bathroom should also be decorated, and it’s not just putting “clothes” on the toilet and a rug, the idea is that it should look too cute. And that is why in this article, you are going to know about different decorating ideas that you might want for your bathroom.


  • Traditional: These types of bathrooms have to focus on comfort, and they must also highlight practicality and functionality. The fundamental elements for these bathrooms would be the classic colors; a good use of tiles can have a positive impact on your bathroom. Just like polished wood and marble. Generally it has to have neutral tones, managing to convey some relaxation, comfort and homeliness.
  • Contemporary: Having very clean lines and expanses of open space in bathrooms without any clutter and minimalist embellishments make it essential for you to have a contemporary style bathroom. And adding to these elements, there is also the polished hardwood, various metal details to make it look better and more appreciable. Using the dark and light components is a good option, as it is very popular and recommended, because it creates a visual constant. In this type of decoration, the details are the ones that steal the full attention.
  • Modern: This type of decoration can be daring, but at the same time very simple. It must have straight and clean lines, without clutter. Straight lines are fundamental to this style. The common elements that are common but that still work perfectly would be that the materials are of high quality, such as porcelain, stone, marble and etc. Generally this style can be confused with contemporary, but if you have good eyesight you will be able to tell the difference.

Extra decorations

  • Half a century: Here it is not necessary to have furniture between the years 1933 to 1965. It would be very complicated, you only need furniture and play with straight lines, geometric shapes and natural colors so that the bathroom has its resemblance to those times. You have the freedom to incorporate a small sofa and a vintage-style chair, as well as different accessories to give it an extra touch.
  • Minimalist: Being one of my favorites personally. Basically it’s that you don’t need to have a lot of stuff. Only what is fair and necessary, it has to have open space, since that is the objective of this style, in addition to being free of clutter. Shelves do the job of hiding items so it stays clutter free. The cabinets and shelves are the ones that have twice the prominence, if the room needs to have the important objects. And since it is a bathroom, it can be a good idea to store bathroom cleaning products, toilet paper, etc.
  • Eclectic: This can be considered weird, but it can look good. It simply includes a bit of everything, of course, you must be extremely careful about the different elements and at the same time it looks too good, creating interesting combinations. It can be any type of element you want, as long as the colors are correct and combine with the other naturally. The colors in this style are basically the foundation for the style to work well. The advantage of this style is that you have the freedom to choose different colors, textures and materials. It also depends on the application you give, since it can look new or old.


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