The arrival of Covid-19 in our lives has affected everything we know. The world has become a true chaos, an unsafe place to live, since anywhere we can get infected and even loses our lives.

We no longer work or study in the same way, we can’t even do the shopping on a regular basis. This situation has dealt a strong blow to the world economy. Even the strongest countries have been affected.

However, one of the most affected sectors is the one related to tourism and entertainment. Because this requires, in one way or another, physical contact, it has been practically annulled.

Places where it was common to see many people, are now desolate and even temporarily closed. Those who want to have fun have had to rethink the situation and opt for alternative means, such as virtual ones, which are currently the safest.

Hence, now there are games, karaoke, parties and even virtual clubs. However, it is expected that this situation will be temporary and that it will soon be possible to return to normality, which also includes entertainment.

Now, since in some places those infected with Coved have decreased, some countries made the decision to relax the quarantine that had been imposed, which gives people certain freedoms. This, in order to stabilize the country’s economy again and gradually recover.

Seeing as many nightspots have reopened their doors, perhaps you’d like to end the year with one. Therefore, the question arises, what are the safest clubs to party in 2022? In this brief article you will be able to know what they are and what makes them safe places, so that you can go with confidence. Let’s see it right now.


Clubs are places, mostly at night, where people go to listen to music, dance, and drink and have a good time. To access them, it is common for people to pay an entrance fee. Being inside, you will have the possibility to buy alcoholic beverages.

A DJ is responsible for playing the music, although sometimes it is possible to listen to live music, as bands are hired to liven up the night.

They are places of recreation where you can also socialize. In general, they become the first options to have fun on the weekend and a large number of people usually go to them, which can be very counterproductive in these times of Coronavirus.

However, if you are in Spain and you want to have fun, nobody can blame you for it. Therefore, what are the safest clubs to party?

In the case of Aragón, the Aura complex is responsible for offering a large number of services, among them, one of the most outstanding is the nightclub called Supernova. The features of this room cannot be found elsewhere. It has a large terrace that, being an open space, significantly reduces the risk of contagion.

On the other hand, this nightclub offers a great variety of services, many of which will be adapted to the demand of its clients. For example, to use the dance floor or to be able to approach the bar, different means of disinfection are planned to be implemented. In addition, it will be a requirement for employees to wear a mask, as well as gloves.

The idea is to be able to adapt, during a day, all the measures required by the health authorities, so that it is a safe place where its customers can have a good time, without the risk of contracting the Covid-19 disease.

Without a doubt, Granada is another of the great places where you can have the most fun, regardless of whether you are a tourist or a local, since it offers many places to visit, many of which are considered the most popular and suitable for the public..

Such is the case of the Alistair nightclub, which is located in the center of Granada and is focused on meeting the needs and demands of an adult audience. It has a very large space, where you can dance freely and calmly, as well as enjoy the events it presents. Without a doubt, it will not disappoint you.

However, Madrid is the ideal city to party, as it has a large number of bars, clubs and discos that range from the most mythical to the newest clubs, which have quickly become the best. Places to go out of the Spanish capital.

Tetra Capital is a true classic of Madrid’s party nights. It is located in the center of the city and has a structure distributed over 7 floors, each of which has a different atmosphere.

It has one of the most elegant and party atmospheres in all of Madrid. In addition, it is possible to reserve tables and, if you want to enjoy a more exclusive space, you can receive VIP treatment, which makes you worthy of certain special privileges.

Now, since you already know where to go, it is recommended that you be aware of some of the preventive measures that you must take into account to avoid a possible spread of Covid-19.

What do you need

If you are bored with the quarantine confinement and you plan to party at a disco, you need to know what are the sanitary measures that you must apply, so as not to end the night infected with Coronavirus.

For example, even if it is not very aesthetic, especially in the case of women, it is best to wear a mask, at least while you are not drinking anything. In case you do not want a mask, a good option is protection screens, which allow you to see the person’s face.

Use gel alcohol and wash your hands frequently, especially when you have touched objects in the place, such as glasses, door handles, etc. If possible, use a single glass throughout the night to reduce the risk of contagion. You can also wear gloves and then dispose of them when you leave the place.

While it is true that when going to clubs the purpose is to dance, as far as possible, do so while respecting the suggested social distancing. That way, you’ll be taking care of yourself and others too.

Do not enter places that you see very crowded. These are usually the most popular in the area. Opt for one that is less well known. The fewer people there are, the lower the chance of getting infected in that place. But, what other recommendations should you take into account?


If you still don’t feel ready to party at a nightclub, but you want to have fun, a good option is virtual clubs. In these places you will not have physical contact with anyone and you can enjoy them from the tranquility and comfort of your home.

To find out which clubs offer this option, you just have to search the Internet. In general, to attend this type of event it is necessary to buy access and have the program or application that they use to make a massive online connection.

Although you can never beat the real experience, virtual clubs are very nice places, full of good music and an environment that lends itself to meeting new people, since the chat option is enabled.

All these characteristics make virtual clubs a real possibility to relax and enjoy, in the midst of this pandemic and quarantine situation that we are experiencing.

Therefore, what are you waiting for to party? Remember that you can do it physically, but also virtually. Invite your friends and attend the safest nightclubs of this 2022. You will surely have a great time and you will not regret it.


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