Since we are aware of our existence we have participated in different types of celebrations. The truth is that people’s lives are full of traditions, whether they are religious or not. These are part of the history of the family, their customs and what identifies them.

In countries like Spain, one of the most important and long-awaited festivals is that of San Juan. It is full of rituals that contain a mystical and special meaning. Do you know the origin of this celebration?

It is a festival whose origin is pagan and which served to welcome the heat in the northern hemisphere of planet Earth. For this reason it is closely related to fire, in order to give more strength to the sun.

Over time, this festival became Christianized, and was established for June 24, the date on which it is presumed that John the Baptist was born. Currently, this festival is celebrated on the night of June 23 to 24.

Although each country is governed by its customs, something in which they coincide is in the presence of fire, which has two symbols. The first is related to the opportunity to atone or cleanse people’s sins, to leave the bad behind and begin again.

The second has to do with the cult of the sun, which has a fundamental role in the proper functioning of our existence. Hence, in many places it is celebrated by lighting bonfires on the beach.

Others go into the sea thinking that this way they will be able to ensure good health for the rest of the year. They also place bunches of plants under their pillows to improve personal finances. But, how can you decorate your house for the night of San Juan? Let’s see.

Instructions for decorations on the night of San Juan

If you want to celebrate the shortest night of the year from home, in the company of your loved ones, you cannot miss these fabulous decoration ideas, which will give this holiday a unique and personal touch.

The Fiesta de San Juan is one of the first of the summer. In view of this, the great protagonist is fire. But how can you include it in your decoration? We have different ideas that you will love. Pay a lot of attention.

Artificial fire

If you want to party inside the house or you are just worried about safety, you can make a bonfire with fireworks, how? Very easy!

  1. The first thing you have to do is cover some branches with aluminum foil. Try that the branches have different sizes and thicknesses so that you give it variety and the bonfire can look more real.
  2. Find white lace and apply glue to it, preferably white glue. To do this, you can use a small brush or a brush.
  3. Wrap the lace around the branches you already lined with foil. Do it in such a way that you can cover them completely and let them dry for a whole day.
  4. The next day, take a knife and cut the side of the branch to remove the lace pattern, as that’s all you’ll need.
  5. Place stones in the shape of a circle and, in the middle of them, the lit lights, similar to those used for Christmas, along with the lace branches and voila! You already have your artificial bonfire!

You can make it any size and shape you want. Dare to give it your personal touch. There are no limits to your imagination.

Homemade candles

Another super original idea is to make your own candles, would you like to try it? How can you make them? Let’s see:

  1. The first thing you should do is spread the inside of the mold you are going to use with Vaseline. Thus, when the candle is already cold, it will be much easier to remove it from the mold.
  2. After you’ve done that, fill the mold with warm but completely liquid wax.
  3. Before the wax dries, introduce a wick or wick. So that you can stay straight, hold it while the wax dries. You can do it with the help of a wire resting on the edge of the mold.
  4. To make sure the wax is completely dry, try removing the wick. If you notice that it does not move, then your candle is ready.
  5. Remove it from the mold very carefully so it doesn’t break and that’s it!

If you want multicolored candles, you just have to alternate the colors when filling the mounds. To keep them from mixing, the best thing to do is let them cool down a bit before pouring on the next layer of wax. Remember that you can make them the way you like.

Summer themed candles

  1. Search the coast for sea shells, wash them with a brush, soap and water to remove the sand, and let them dry well.
  2. Use candles of different colors and melt them in a bain-marie.
  3. While the candles are melting, tie the candle wick to a small washer so that it can weigh down and remain as a base inside the shell.
  4. When the candle is completely melted, spoon it into the shells.
  5. If you want to aromatize them, add a few drops of the fragrance that you like the most in each candle.
  6. Let dry well and your sea sails will be ready for you to use.

What do you need for decorations on the night of San Juan?

For the artificial bonfire you will need the following materials:

  • Dry tree branches.
  • White glue.
  • Foil.
  • white lace
  • a knife
  • to brush
  • Christmas lights.
  • Stones of different shapes and sizes.

For homemade candles, find and have on hand the following materials:

  • Wax or paraffin of different colors.
  • Molds in the shape of your choice.
  • Vaseline.
  • Wick-or-wick.
  • Wire.

Lastly, for summer -themed candles, you’ll need these materials:

  • sea ​​shells
  • Water, soap and a brush to clean them.
  • Pieces of candle or paraffin.
  • Wick-or-wick.
  • A small washer.
  • A spoon to add the wax to the inside of the shell.
  • A few drops of your favorite fragrance.

As you can see, you do not need to make an extraordinary expense to decorate your house for the feast of San Juan. In fact, you probably don’t even have to buy many things, since most of them are in your own house or provided by nature.

On the other hand, remember that with little you can do a lot. You just have to use your imagination and let the ideas flow. Now, since this celebration is closely related to fire, what precautions should you take? Next, we will share with you some suggestions to protect your physical integrity and that of your family.

Tips for decorations on the night of San Juan

Usually, this is usually a very crowded party, as many people want to participate in it as well. If you have children at home, do not lose sight of it. Remember that accidents are the order of the day.

Since fire is one of the most important and representative elements, if you are going to include them, are it in a real campfire or with homemade candles, try to take preventive measures. For example, do not neglect children at any time. Keep candles out of their reach to prevent them from wanting to touch them and potentially burning themselves.

If you are going to use fireworks, prepare your children for it. Some are afraid of the sounds that are produced, especially children with autism. In this case, the best thing you can do is refraining from using them. It is for their well-being and tranquility, since they could get very upset and have a bad time.

Finally, don’t abuse alcohol. In fact, since it is a festival linked to religion, it is not necessary to include it. The idea is that it is a moment to share with all the members of the family.


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