In Chile, a beautiful party originates from the time of the conquest, colonizers, Indians, mysticism and mystery all locked in a love story that ended in tragedy, and everything that comes from love of course is supposed to be beautiful and full of life.

Well, this time it is a festival tradition that takes place every year in the month of July in a town in that country, called Tirana because it is the history of this same community and that has its origin when the conquest began. Of Chile by Diego de Alfaro.

It is a festival of a religious nature that has received a popular nuance, which has made it one of the world icons in terms of festivity, which has to do with fun, color, celebration, religiosity, among many other things that you can see during the days that this holiday lasts.

It is normally celebrated in the second week of July, and Christianity adopted it to join it with the festivity of the Virgin del Carmen, patron saint of Chile and which brings together most of the locals and even thousands of people who have seen it as a beautiful symbol of culture, brotherhood and religion.

It is usually celebrated more or less for a week between July 10 and 16, having the visit of many people from various countries of the world and nearby, so if you want to know a little more about this tradition, we invite you to continue reading.

What do you need

  • Accommodation.
  • Food.
  •  Dance.
  • Hike.
  •  Tradition.
  • Knowledge.
  • Beverage.
  • Fun.
  • Colorful.
  • hubbub


The festival of La Tirade is a celebration that takes place in July and that has as its protagonist the time of the conquest, having as its main topic of relevance the Catholic religion, which was taken from one town to another by those who tried to conquer America in its entirety.

Legend has it that the resistance was commanded by a beautiful indigenous woman who had the nickname of Tirana, defending her cause until the end, who fell in love with one of the foreign prisoners, who taught her the beauty of religion through baptism and who she happily adopted.

At the end of the story, the fellow countrymen of the beautiful indigenous woman felt betrayed, so they sacrificed both her and her lover, and she asked to be buried together in a common grave and at the foot of a cross, so it comes to be a beautiful story.

This is how the festival of Tirana is celebrated

  1. The Tirade festival is held every year during the month of July, in the town of the same name and is widely accepted by the thousands of parishioners who come to enjoy the festival full of color, dance, carnival and fun.
  2. It is generally held between July 11 and 20, being important dates that adorn the town with people who arrive from different countries, and usually walk in the various pilgrimages and processions that are usually made.
  3. There is a lot of religiosity in the party, revealing the diversity of beliefs that make people perform acts to pray with devotion to the Virgin del Carmen, at this time of this enormous party that takes place in this town, like always going on your knees.
  4. The Tirana dance is usually adorned with colorful and showy costumes that are usually made by the different dance groups that dedicate themselves to this throughout the year, due to the fervor and love they have for their party.
  5. They are also dedicated to rehearsing each of the dances with which they entertain the visitors, who have been joining each year to see these beautiful dances and the color of their costumes, which take place in this picturesque town.
  6. In addition to this, the masks are usually one of the most striking attractions for having a devilish influence, having as a rule the use of what happened during the time of the conquest and that demonstrates the feeling of a people.
  7. The dances are usually done in the church that, according to what was built on the tomb where the remains of Tirana and her foreign love are found, also telling that they died pierced by arrows from the same indigenous people.
  8. The costumes are embroidered by themselves with various figures that have a very symbolic meaning, proving that tradition is mainly the soul of this festival, as well as the union of each of the groups that exceed twenty participants.
  9. In addition to all this, the compares consists of a leader who generally wears a mask that identifies him as such, the most representative figures being those of a devil or a wolf, which differentiates him from the rest of the members of the group.
  10. Each dance has its exit number and without it they cannot do it, so they must be ready in any call, because if they do not they can lose the possibility of even entering the church or participating in the other processions that are carried out. During the tour.
  11. Each group has the possibility to arrive at the place between July 11 and 1 and be prepared for their presentation, which makes it exciting to see all the congregations with their colorful costumes in addition to the traditional dance they perform.
  12. Each group must also offer a song to the Virgin del Carmen, giving thanks for letting them have reached the town safe and sound as an allegory to the festivities in their honor, in addition to doing it in the form of an allusion and then a farewell.
  13. The dancers must be attentive to the music of their group, since there are many that are presented and with diversity of gestures, movements and synchrony, so there is usually a sound for each of the dances and thus not be lost during the procession.
  14. During July 15, fireworks are launched in addition to lighting various bonfires waiting for dawn for what is usually called a vigil night, where all those present wait for the day itself of the patron saint of Chile, the Virgin del Carmen.
  15. The main thing about this date comes on the 16th, where each group shows its colorful costume giving the greeting before the church with the special song made to receive the day, where later the virgin comes out, which is an image full of flowers and carried to the square.
  16. As it is a fairly national and religious festival, the tradition of singing the glorious notes of the national anthem is maintained, in addition to raising the flags in turn offering respect to the Virgin for all those present at the act.
  17. Then the mass is done, for a short time later to go to rest and thus regain strength to start the procession that goes out through the streets during the evening, so it is a party quite full of light, color, and religiosity and full of patriotism.
  18. The pilgrims, who usually go from other parts to this festival, usually bring requests to the virgin as well as gifts and offerings that can be gold, babies, and tickets, among many other things that are hung on her mantle or at the feet of the figure..
  19. In this part, the devotion of each one of the parishioners is very much observed who give thanks or asks for forgiveness for the various requests that have been given to them and have not been paid or, on the contrary, they come to consider the prayer fulfilled. Offered offering.
  20. The parishioners begin to arrive from the first day of the festival and it is usually a long line in which you can see a feeling of love and devotion for the Virgin who has fulfilled the requested favors in addition to doing different things to thank everything.. It reminds of the Pillar festivities in this sense of devotion to a Virgin.
  21. The image of the Virgin is smaller than the one that is usually in the church, and it is taken out so that all the parishioners can carry it on their shoulders during the procession and they must do different aromas to be able to achieve it between one and the other.
  22. Tradition says that the Virgin has a dance as a preference and this is performed by a special group, which is counted as the privileged one to accompany the Virgin on her way out of the temple, where she is received with shouts of joy, whistles and handkerchiefs.
  23. The party usually ends on July 17, so it normally lasts exactly five days, all full of color, dancing, drinking and of course the famous Chilean cuisine that is given throughout the town of Tirana for its visitors..
  24. This farewell is usually done with dances that the groups must also form as at the beginning of the festivities, loaded with a lot of feeling because it is the closing of the party itself, which is why they carry a lot of emotion in each performance.


  • As it is a fairly large party, you should be aware of finding accommodation in time or taking your caravan so as not to be left on the street.
  • It is important that you try each of the typical Chilean drinks and dishes, which are usually served in these colorful and flavorful festivities.
  • If you are devout, try to ask the Virgin for a wish or request for your personal, family, work or health life.


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