Marriage is considered, in many cultures, as a sacred institution, which has the blessing of God. Therefore, it is expected to be for life and that the spouses are faithful to their partner. In fact, those who take that important step want it to be so.

Regardless of the culture of our country, this is a truth that does not change, despite the fact that in some cultures polygamy is well regarded, there are laws that regulate it. For example, the first wife must agree, the husband must show impartiality and provide a roof, clothing, food and love equally to all his wives, among other things.

Now, this is not the only custom, related to marriage that differs from the Western world view. Actually, both worlds are like oil and water. There are other practices and rituals related to the wedding ceremony, which may also seem strange to us. However, they are full of much meaning.

Such is the case with Hindu weddings. Of course, as expected, these are governed by the beliefs of the religion they profess, in this case, Hinduism. If you are reading this article, it is because you are curious about what Hindu weddings are like. Perhaps you are planning yours and would like to have a much broader perspective of the wedding ceremony.

No matter what the case, in this article you will find everything you need to know about the customs that are related to Hindu weddings. Since we know little or nothing about this culture, it will prove to be a very enriching read. Therefore, we encourage you to continue reading. Perhaps you will be encouraged to have an India-themed wedding and get very interesting ideas. Let’s see it now.

Instructions for Hindu weddings

It is important that you keep in mind that the rites and customs of this type of wedding date back more than forty centuries of history and are found in ancient Hindu scriptures. In addition, with this celebration not only a man and a woman come together, but also two families. Hence, it is filled with much meaning and solemnity.

  1. The wedding ceremony begins when the groom goes to the altar dressed in the traditional. Then he hands her a chair and drinks a celebratory drink made from milk, butter, yogurt, honey, and sugar.
  2. The bride enters arm in arm with her father, which means that the maternal family approves of the union. At this point, the bride and groom are separated by a white cloth.
  3. Afterwards, the cloth is dropped and the bride and groom exchange a garland while saying that they agree to the wedding.
  4. Then, the father of the bride pours holy water on her hands, and then joins them with those of the groom, which means that the father officially lets go of his daughter.
  5. The end of the scarf is then tied to the bride’s sari by the groom’s sister. This is done with areca nuts, copper coins and rice, elements that symbolize the union, prosperity and happiness of the couple.
  6. At this time the sacred fire is lit and the priest recites the mantra in the Sanskrit language, while offerings are offered to the fire.
  7. Next, the groom takes the bride’s hand and promises her and her family that he will take care of her and protect her for the rest of her life.
  8. Then, the bride climbs a rock; with this act she symbolizes her desire and strength to overcome obstacles in her new marriage.
  9. Then, the couple will walk around the fire about 4 times and offer barley to the fire, which means that they will work for the society and for the goodness of the human race.
  10. At that moment, the groom makes a mark with powder in the middle of his new wife’s hair. Every married woman is recognized by this mark.
  11. The couple takes 7 steps around the fire and each step is accompanied by a prayer and 7 promises. At this point is when the state recognizes the marriage.
  12. Finally, the groom places on his bride’s neck a sacred necklace called the Manga sutra, which gives her the status of wife.

As you have been able to realize, this celebration consists of different rituals, all of them with a mystical and very special meaning. But what other things do you need to know about Hindu weddings?

What do you need for Hindu weddings?

It should be noted that the day of the wedding, has different actions before, during and after the celebration of the same. After the wedding, the following happens:

  • The couple receives the blessings of their families.
  • As they walk among the guests, they throw flowers and rice at them to wish them a happy, prosperous and lasting marriage.
  • Then the bride will go to the groom’s house and say goodbye to her relatives for the last time. This is a very special moment, full of mixed emotions.
  • The bride is carried, inside a dole, from her parents’ house to her husband’s house. This is a platform with four arms going to the sides. Those who carry it are the brothers and uncles on her mother’s side.
  • Arriving at the door of the house, he finds a container that is full of rice. The bride kicks him with her right foot and then walks to the groom’s house.
  • Then it will be the moment of the reception. This is a big, formal party with music, and for the first time, the bride and groom appear in public as a couple.
  • Finally, they perform a ritual to thank their deities and, during this ritual, vows of fidelity are made. This usually takes place about 3 days after the wedding.

Now that you know everything that is done during and after the wedding, what other things should be taken into account when performing a Hindu wedding?

Tips for Hindu Weddings

Keep in mind that the wedding is a rite that presents sacred trust and in which, in addition, reincarnation and universalism are always present, which are two fundamental pillars of its official religion, Hinduism.

On the other hand, who is in charge of choosing the day and time of the wedding is the Brahman. It does this by taking into account the position of the stars. In addition, he must approve the marriage.

On the day set for the wedding, the groom, accompanied by his family and friends, makes a procession on horseback to the bride’s house. This is a sign of respect and union of families.

The bride is dressed in a red dress called a Sari. However, it is usually changed several times during the wedding. The clothing is complemented by a large number of jewels to demonstrate the grandeur and luxury of this celebration.

The bride’s closest friends paint the bride’s hands and feet with henna, creating different mosaics, in which the groom’s initials are included.

Although it is an arranged marriage, it is not forced. Forced marriages are now prohibited in India. Although the bride and groom do not know each other, both agree to the union and want to get married.

In the celebration of current weddings, the exchange of gifts is included, especially ornaments and dresses. The mother of the groom gives the bride a necklace that represents success. The father of the bride then makes the announcement that her daughter accepts the groom and hopes that her family will accept her as part of the family.


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