Today, having insurance that supports your health, car insurance or home insurance is an excellent investment. After all, you are investing in the safety not only of your belongings but of your own family. So making this expense is a very positive thing.

However, home insurance is an expense that many do “with their eyes closed.” What do we mean by this? Well, many people pay the insurance without knowing for sure what cases or accidents it covers, which means that when one of these situations occurs. The owner out of ignorance decides to assume an expense from his pocket which he should not be paying for. Or it may be the opposite case that it is firmly believed that the insurance covers X situation that when it happens you get the smack that it is not.

To avoid any of these situations, it is best to be properly informed and to have all the knowledge about what situations your insurer covers. Throughout this article we will be sharing with you the situations, accidents and cases covered by your home insurance. That said, it’s time to start…

What Situations Does Your Home Insurance Cover?

We are going to give you a list with some of the aspects or situations that your home insurance covers that you may not know.

  1. One of the lesser-known aspects of home insurance is that it deals with legal defense situations. The insurance company must assume the expenses in which an intervention is given in a judicial, arbitration or administrative process.
  2. Another aspect that not many know is that insurers must bear the costs for any DIY work that is required in the house. Examples of this type of task are replacing a tap or hanging a lamp. The insurer assumes this type of expenses in the sense that you can hire a person who is in charge of carrying out such a task.
  3. A good insurance policy will also cover the expenses that may arise when owning a pet. That is, medical attention and hiring of veterinarians.
  4. Something very curious and that has been implemented in recent years. Are those insurance companies can be responsible for disappearing certain pertinent information about us on the internet. That it is causing us some economic or reputational damage.
  5. We can also find that the insurance policy assumes costs of assistance to any member of the household through domestic, health or teaching staff. This is mostly beneficial for your family.
  6. The medical guidance service by telephone is also something that is contemplated in several of the home insurances.
  7. In case of an electrical failure in the house that has burned your refrigerator. The insurance policy covers any damage caused to refrigerated food. Of course, not all insurances include this type of coverage, but it is important to keep in mind that there are home insurances that do.
  8. A common aspect that you’re home insurance covers and this is something that is present in most insurance. It is the damage caused by robbery or theft in the home. Although there is some that also cover this type of damage outside the home, as well as any act of fraudulent use of credit cards.
  9. Another very useful aspect of home insurance that few people know about. It is that your belongings are also protected when you are traveling or away from home. 
  10. Finally and something that is also taken for granted in most insurance companies to cover the expenses caused by a fire, as well as protection for any natural disaster.

As you can see, most of the unfortunate situations that are common are protected by home insurance. Although there are also situations that, although not as common, can still be covered by your insurance company.

Of course, these factors will depend to a large extent on the insurance you are paying for, so it is important to check very well what situations are covered by your insurance policy. As tedious as it may be, it is the most recommended before making this type of expense.

In this way, you will be able to contract this type of service, being very clear in what circumstances you are going to be supported by the insurance. In this way we conclude the writing of this article, we hope that the information has been useful to you and that above all, you pay more attention to what situations are covered by the insurance for which you are paying.


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